
Introducing Venus QuickMap: A Gateway to Exploring Venus

January 8, 2025

Applied Coherent Technology (ACT), in collaboration with NASA Goddard, proudly announces the release of the Venus QuickMap platform. This innovative tool provides researchers, educators, and space enthusiasts a powerful and interactive way to explore Venus’s surface and its data. The Venus QuickMap is accessible to the public via standard web browsers at

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

What is Venus QuickMap?

Leveraging on Lunar/Mars/Mercury QuickMap, Venus QuickMap is a versatile and user-friendly platform designed for interactive exploration of Venusian data. It incorporates datasets from NASA’s Magellan mission and other key sources, offering a wealth of information in one centralized location.

Key Features

  1. Interactive Maps: Choose from multiple projections, including Equidistant Cylindrical, Polar Stereographic, and a 3D Globe view.
  2. Layered Data Integration: Access ~40 organized data layers grouped into categories like:
    • Overlays
    • Arecibo
    • Magellan Gravity
    • Geophysical Products
    • Geologic Features
    • Topography
    • Magellan Radar
  3. Advanced Data Analysis Tools: It provides many advanced data tools such as:
    • Interactive profiling to visualize and analyze data across a path
    • Extract data cubes with a polygon region, enabling detailed examination of geophysical parameters.


A map of a planetDescription automatically generated with medium confidence
Figure 1 Example showing interactive data profiling.  The user can save a short URL for fast recall, e.g
A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated
Figure 2  The User can define a closed polygon and extract a data cube subset with the identified geophysical parameters within the closed polygon.  The user can save a short URL for fast recall, e.g.

Start exploring the wonders of Venus today with Venus QuickMap—your interactive portal to  Earth’s sister planet. Start your journey at